

April 16, 1934: Charter Day (2:52 p.m.)

October 1, 1934: First convocation of William J. Porter University in 3rd floor auditorium of First Baptist Educational Building.

1935年:波特大学正式更名为杰克逊维尔专科学院(JJC). Classes move to Haddock Business University classrooms at 517 Laura Street.



1944: JJC colors change from scarlet and white to green and white.

January 20, 1944: Dr. Garth H. Akridge is elected as first full-time, salaried president of JJC and serves from 1944-1951.

April, 1944: JJC moves to Kay Mansion at 704 Riverside Avenue.


September 23, 1946: The Fledgling school newspaper starts.

June 24, 1947: Carl S. Swisher elected Chairman of Board of Trustees.

1947年12月12日:“绿色海豚”这个名字通过学生竞赛选出. 考虑的其他选项有:绿色突袭者,绿色马林鱼队,海盗队, Juggernauts and Green Dragons.

1947年1月:JJC在第一场篮球比赛中以22-16击败陆海军招募队 in the City Recreation League.

May 27, 1949: Green Key Society founded.



1950年12月7日:JJC获得了南方学院协会的全面认证 and Secondary Learning.

1951年11月23日至24日,第一次返乡宴会在乔治华盛顿饭店举行, with Congressman Charles E. Bennett as the speaker.

1953: Swisher Gymnasium is built.

1953年3月31日:董事会批准成立第一个兄弟会——卡帕头卡帕. Soon after, the first sorority, Beta Chi Alpha, arrives on campus.

1956年4月:尼尔姆斯科学楼和斯威舍礼堂在一个 week of each other.

April 29, 1956: Franklyn A. Johnson is named president-elect of JJC. He develops school into a fully accredited senior college in five years. He serves until 1963.

1958年2月27日:董事会批准杰克逊维尔音乐学院与杰克逊维尔合并 University.

June 6, 1959: The first 4-year class of 100 graduates.


1961: College of Fine Arts established.


December 11, 1961: Ground is broken for the first dorms.

January 8, 1962: Wayne Corbin appointed first Dean of Men.

March 11, 1963: Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson arrives on campus by helicopter and addresses students in Swisher Gym.

May 9, 1963: JU becomes integrated by trustee vote.

1964: Master of Arts in Teaching program added.

May 1967: College of Arts and Sciences established.

November 9, 1967: Dionne Warwick performs in Swisher gym.

1969年返校节:JU欢迎尼尔·戴蒙德上台在学生面前表演, alumni and faculty.


1970年3月21日:在1971年的阿蒂斯·吉尔摩的带领下,男子篮球进入1970年NCAA锦标赛 game.

September 21, 1971: NROTC established.

1972年:佛罗里达第一国民银行捐赠GE-225计算机(最初价值38.5万美元) to be used by admissions and registrar in converted classroom.

April 6, 1972: Bob Hope and Jack Benny receive honorary doctorates.


1974年3月7日:艾灵顿公爵在音乐会上演奏他自己创作的特别作品 for the event.

March, 1975: Billy Joel plays in a packed Swisher Gym.

August, 1975: The Rathskeller opens.

September 7, 1979: K.C. and the Sunshine Band record a live performance in Swisher Gym for an album.

1979: College of Business established.


1980: Students go to “The Rat” for happy hour.

April 9, 1980: Dr. Frances B. Kinne inaugurated as the seventh president of Jacksonville University. She was also the first woman president in the state of Florida and the second in the nation.

1981: New majors introduced: dance, photography and communications.

篮球:2年39胜20负,2次鳄鱼碗冠军,1次阳光地带冠军,1次NCAA冠军 and NIT Tournament

1981年,布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀带着1万多名粉丝来到体育馆 杜比兄弟乐队也为学生们表演,作为庆祝活动的一部分.

1982: Volleyball sets JU record, placing 3rd in AIAW Reg. III Tournament.

June 24, 1982: W. Ashley Verlander is named Chairman of Board of Trustees.

1983: The Division of Aeronautics is created.

1983年3月9日:纽约洋基队在沃尔夫森公园与JU海豚队进行了一场表演赛 game to raise funds to install lights at JU baseball field. 11,119 fans turn out.

1983年4月12日:金周年庆典开始,前总统出席 Gerald Ford.

September 9, 1983: Artis Gilmore Day is celebrated. Gilmore receives an honorary doctorate

1983年12月7日:专栏作家安·兰德斯宣布JU是美国四大大学之一 the nation.

December, 1983: Davis gift of $3.5 million given to the University.



September 5, 1990: University Center dedicated to Dr. Frances B. Kinne by Winston Churchill III.


1992年9月19日:前JU学生Leanza Cornett赢得了美国小姐的称号.

1993年1月3日:《全球网络赌博平台》的乔恩·斯图尔特在JU喜剧的士力架休息室表演 night.

1996年:航空部门与达美航空公司建立了独一无二的培训合作伙伴关系 Academy.

1997: New $1.5 million Café opens in the Kinne Center. Visual arts annex is opened with ceramic room, painting room and glass blowing studio. JU apartments are built.

1998年9月12日:JU足球的第一场比赛是19比14战胜戴维森 than 5,000 fans show up to cheer.


2001: Renovations are made to Council Building and Kinne Center.

July 1, 2004: Kerry Romesburg became the eleventh University President.

2007年:护理扩展到包括家庭和急诊护士执业分专业; first in Florida, sixth in country. Oak Hall, newest modern living quarters, opens to students.

October 13, 2007: Negaard Rowing Center opens.

2008-09赛季:足球、篮球、棒球、足球、田径和船员都赢得了分区冠军 championships.

2009: Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse added for 2009-10 season.

2009年2月27日:JU耗资1000万美元的30,000平方英尺海洋科学项目破土动工 Research Institute on the river bank.

May 2, 2009: JU graduates more than 600 new alumni.

October 2009: JU kicks-off the 75th anniversary celebration.


2012: JU Varsity Sailing team established. 

February 1, 2013Tim Cost became the 12th University President.


2013年6月3日:耗资800万美元的健康科学学院破土动工 than doubling the available space for the college.

2014年:JU River House在老总统的家被改造成最先进的房子后开放 meeting space and pub.

September 11, 2014: JU Football plays its first home game at  the newly renovated D.B. Milne Field. Renovations include a new playing surface, 看台,轨道,视频板,特许和新闻箱为JU足球,长曲棍球 and track and field.

2015年5月28日:布鲁克斯康复医疗科学学院以 Brooks Rehabilitation's $4 million commitment.

August 21, 2015: North Hall opens to first-year students.

March 13, 2016: JU女子篮球队击败佛罗里达海湾海岸队夺得第一个分区冠军 并获得了2016年NCAA锦标赛的参赛资格,这是该校的又一个第一次 women's program.

March 2, 2017: JU护理学院获得了项目历史上最大的捐赠,并被命名为Keigwin School of Nursing after the benefactors.

2018年12月8日:琳达·贝里·斯坦美术学院的命名 一项为期数年,价值数百万美元的捐赠,这是该校最大的投资之一 history, from alumna Linda Berry Stein '69 and her husband, David Stein.

October 2019: JU celebrates its largest Homecoming & Family Weekend. 


2020年5月10日:杰克逊维尔大学家庭和社区哀悼总理的损失 Emerita Frances Bartlett Kinne.

2020年7月6日:JU在Linda Berry Stein Fine学院内创建了两所学校 Arts: the School for Performing Arts and the School of Art & Design.

2020年8月:首个学生健康中心在校园内开放,为医疗保健服务 needs of JU students.

2020年9月16日:杰克逊维尔大学第一次执行委员会会议 Black Alumni Network.

2022年2月28日:杰克逊维尔大学宣布成立大学的 fifth college, the College of Law.

July 2022: Public Policy Alumni Network founded.

July 19, 2022: Nicholas W. Allard, Esq. named founding Dean of the College of Law.

August 2022: JU welcomes the largest freshman class to date.

August 2022: The Center for Gender + Sexuality opens.

2022年8月18日:杰克逊维尔大学的“大学之旅”在亚马逊上播出 Prime Video.

2022年11月30日:JU与伊利湖骨科医学院(LECOM)合作 带来了该地区第一所四年制医学院,杰克逊维尔大学的LECOM.